Vendor Security Vulnerability Resolutions as-a-Service.
3TSC VSVRaas is an IT based Project-Consulting service which targets your install base for security vulnerability and resolves them per the standards set out by the Vendor.
Regardless of your Data Center hardware footprint, our VSVRaas does the following for your network:
1. Analysis of inventory running vendor software
2. Matching current firmware/operating system against most recently announced security vulnerabilities
3. Grade the vulnerabilities into prioritized list with vendor grading
4. Resolves with latest codes and software to harden and close vulnerabilities
Over time, lack of skilled resources and demands of the network leads to neglect of the devices running them.
Much effort is spent on reactive than proactive events.
3TSC has engaged lots of customers in closing the vendor announced vulnerabilities through our IT Project-based Consulting.
Be productive. Let 3TSC resolve these events proactively.
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